How to pass k8s secret key value into Jenkins via Declarative pipeline


I want to pass Kubernetes secret key and value in the Jenkins job using a Declarative pipeline.

I am trying to read the k8s secret values using the pod template. Configured the k8s plugin and the image has environment variables set. I need to overwrite the environment values with the k8s secret.


   - env:
      - name: K8S-SECRET
              key: USERNAME
              name: PASSWORD

Jenkins pipeline:

pipeline {
    agent {
        kubernetes {
            label 'docker'
            envVars: [containersecretEnvVar(key: 'USERNAME', value:'PASSWORD')]
    environment {
      BRANCH = 'origin/master'
      PROJECT_NAME = 'k8s'
      stage('print k8s secret'){
           steps {
               echo "k8s_secret_name: ${env.k8s_secret_name}"
               echo "k8s_secret_valie: ${env.k8s_secret_value}"
-- Jwary

1 Answer


To clarify I am posting the Community wiki answer from comments' section.

To solve that problem Original Poster created the following code:

podTemplate(inheritFrom: 'docker', containers: [ 
	containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "<image_name>", 
		envVars: [ 
			envVar(key: "NAME", value: "custom_env"), 
			secretEnvVar(key: "SECRET_ENV", secretName: "K8S-SECRET", secretKey: "USERNAME") 
	]) ] ){ 
	node(POD_LABEL) { 
		step { 
		sh 'echo ${TOKEN}'

In this solution PodTemplates has been used. In this documentation one can find more info about that:

Pod templates are used to create agents. They can be either configured via the user interface, or in a pipeline, using the podTemplate step.

Here you can find how to define a podTemplate to use in the kubernetes plugin.

See also this documentation that describes podTemplate.

Controllers for workload resources create Pods from a pod template and manage those Pods on your behalf.

PodTemplates are specifications for creating Pods, and are included in workload resources such as Deployments, Jobs, and DaemonSets.

Each controller for a workload resource uses the PodTemplate inside the workload object to make actual Pods. The PodTemplate is part of the desired state of whatever workload resource you used to run your app.

-- kkopczak
Source: StackOverflow