I was trying to run kubelet parameters add --feature-gates=ReadOnlyAPIDataVolumes=false
on my GKE node with node version 1.9.7.
Then I got the following error:
I1002 00:56:53.617596 13469 feature_gate.go:226] feature gates: &{{} map[ReadOnlyAPIDataVolumes:false]}
I1002 00:56:53.617724 13469 controller.go:114] kubelet config controller: starting controller
I1002 00:56:53.617729 13469 controller.go:118] kubelet config controller: validating combination of defaults and flags
error: error reading /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet.key, certificate and key must be supplied as a pair
If I run sudo kubelet parameters add --feature-gates=ReadOnlyAPIDataVolumes=false
, then I got
error: unrecognized key: ReadOnlyAPIDataVolumes
My questions:
Yes. Although it may be possible to run as non-root
, the kubelet has control over so many different components on your system that would be difficult to make it talk to all the components as non-root
I'm really not sure where kubelet parameters add
comes from, or how it's setup on GKE (I believe it's the good old kube-up.sh
script) But generally, you can change your kubelet parameters at the systemd
level. For example, I use kubeadm and change/add flags in /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env
or just inline on the kubelet command line, according to this systemd
service definition:
$ systemctl cat kubelet
# /lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service
Description=kubelet: The Kubernetes Node Agent
# /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf
# Note: This dropin only works with kubeadm and kubelet v1.11+
Environment="KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_ARGS=--bootstrap- kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf --hostname-override=ip-x-x-x-x.us-east-1.compute.internal"
# This is a file that "kubeadm init" and "kubeadm join" generates at runtime, populating the KUBELET_KUBEADM_ARGS variable dynamically
# This is a file that the user can use for overrides of the kubelet args as a last resort. Preferably, the user should use
# the .NodeRegistration.KubeletExtraArgs object in the configuration files instead. KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS should be sourced from this file.