I tied different approaches to get list of vm's of azurerm_kubernetes_cluster in terraform but with no success. There is number of possible elements in here: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/d/kubernetes_cluster.html but not of them seams to allow getting list of VM's. Is there a way?
Ok I found way via subnet. To use this approach you need to have Kubernetes cluster created with advanced networking with your subnet which you know.
First section gets ip_configurations from subnet and extracts network interfaces names with ugly split.
data "null_data_source" "all_kubernetes_nic_name" {
count = "${length(azurerm_subnet.kubernetes.ip_configurations)}"
inputs {
nic = "${element(split("/", azurerm_subnet.kubernetes.ip_configurations[count.index]), 8)}"
Because of each kubernetes node acquiring number of ip addresses I need to distinct on previous list.
data "null_data_source" "kubernetes_nic_name" {
count = "${length(distinct(data.null_data_source.all_kubernetes_nic_name.*.outputs.nic))}"
inputs {
nic = "${element(distinct(data.null_data_source.all_kubernetes_nic_name.*.outputs.nic), count.index)}"
Then it's easy to get exact reference to network interface of each node in kubernetes cluster. Note resource_group_name
being extracted directly from cluster object.
data "azurerm_network_interface" "kubernetes_nic" {
count = "${length(data.null_data_source.kubernetes_nic_name.*.outputs.nic)}"
name = "${data.null_data_source.kubernetes_nic_name.*.outputs.nic[count.index]}"
resource_group_name = "${azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.cluster.node_resource_group}"