Is displaying/printing a "Hello World" message in Java/Python same as in Kubernetes?


I want to print "Hello World" in k8s, but I am confused how to do it.

I am new to Kubernetes.

How do I display "Hello World" by creating an image/container when accessed via a web server on a port.

Do I need to mandatorily install npm, or others in my dockerfile ? Or is there any way to simply use bash commands to echo "hello world" and display that as output in a Web server.

Please guide.

-- Akash Kundu

2 Answers


Kubernetes is an orchestrator, it is not a language such as JavaScript, you can create a javascript app, and then create a docker image containing the said app which you can then run in a kubernetes cluster.

I must say though, that your question makes me wonder if you have any experience in how containers or orchestrators work, which makes me think I should recommend you to read up a bit more and play around a bit more with it before trying to run it on a live environment.

If you don't want to listen to the above, you will basically need the following:

  • A deployment, with a pod running your container with the app inside.
  • A service, exposing the deployment to the cluster.
  • An ingress(route), exposing your service to the outside net.

There are other ways to do it, but k8s is not an "easy thing" to work with, it requires quite a bit of research and testing to allow you to know what you are doing before it is useful.

-- Jite
Source: StackOverflow


Start with learning to use Docker. Containers is mostly "a way" to run processes in an isolated environment, so to do anything in a container, you need to do that with a process, e.g. bash or a custom application.

You can run both commands and services in a Docker container.

When deploying apps to Kubernetes, it is services, e.g. a web server listening on a port. But you can also run commands on Kubernetes by using Jobs

Here is a "hello world" Job using bash:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: hello-world
      name: hello-world
      - name: hello-world
        image: centos:7
         - "bin/bash"
         - "-c"
         - "echo hello world"
      restartPolicy: Never
-- Jonas
Source: StackOverflow