Kubernetes kubectl access environment variables


Does anyone know why this one doesn't (shows empty line):

kubectl exec kube -- echo $KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST

but this one works?

kubectl exec kube -- sh -c 'echo $KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST'
-- Kim

2 Answers


The reason this shows an empty line has nothing to do with kubernetes or the container. In your first line the $KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST is interpreted by the shell you're running in. And you must not have KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST set within that shell, so it uses an empty string instead.

Based on what you're seeing, I infer that you're trying to find out the value of the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST variable inside your kubernetes container. Your last command will do that for you, and I suspect the following one would do the same.

kubectl exec kube -- echo '$KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST'
-- Michael Odell
Source: StackOverflow


Running successfully will depend on the image that you are using for kube. But in general terms echo is a built-in Bourne shell command.

With this command:

$ kubectl exec kube -- echo $KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST

You are not instantiating a Bourne Shell environment and there is not an echo executable in the container. It turns out what kubectl does is basically running echo $KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST on your client! You can try running for example:

$ kubectl exec kube -- echo $PWD

You'll see that is the home directory on your client.

Whereas with this command:

$ kubectl exec kube -- sh -c 'echo $KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST'

There is a sh executable in your environment and that's Bourne Shell that understands the built-in echo command with the given Kubernetes environment in the default container of your Pod.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow