how to write daily backup job for elasticsearch in production environment, we are using docker image and kubernetes for containerized platform


I am new in elasticsearch and we want to write daily backup job in our production environment ,In our production environment we are using openshift and kubernetes, and our elasticsearch deploy as a docker container in kubernetes environment,I have some idea about elasticsearch snapshot strategies but how to implement for daily elasticsearch backup job in containerized environment.

-- Sanjeev

2 Answers


you need to write a cronjob and in that cronjob, you should use the host as service name it will take backup. (as per kubernets view)

-- Raghunath Babalsure
Source: StackOverflow


As per documentation and @Tim Wong post, you can use for this task "Scheduled Backup using curator".

More information how to combine snapshot with cronjob here and here.

Please share with your results and findings.

-- Hanx
Source: StackOverflow