HTTP/1.1 503 Backend fetch failed: Guru Meditation: XID: 1066598


I have created helm chart for varnish cache server which is running in kubernetes cluster , while testing with the "external IP" generated its throwing error , sharing below

Sharing varnish.vcl(alias of default.vcl in my case), values.yaml below . Any suggestions how to resolve as I have hardcoded the backend/web server as .host="" with port : "80". My requirement is on executing curl -IL load balancer ingress IP in my case), I should get the response with cached values not as described above (directly from backend server)..

Any solutions/approach how to fix this. Do request please give any response/suggestion based on my above varnish(default.vcl) and values.yaml file..Please consider this as high priority.


 VCL version 5.0 is not supported so it should be 4.0 or 4.1 even though actually used Varnish version is 6
vcl 4.1;

import std;
# The minimal Varnish version is 5.0
# For SSL offloading, pass the following header in your proxy server or load balancer: 'X-Forwarded-Proto: https'

{{  .Values.varnishconfigData | indent 2 }}

sub vcl_recv {

  if(req.url == "/healthcheck") {


# Default values for varnish.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

replicaCount: 1

  repository: varnish
  tag: 6.3
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: ""

 # type: ClusterIP
  type: LoadBalancer
  port: 80

varnishconfigData: |- 
       backend default {
          .host = "";
          .port = "80";
          .first_byte_timeout = 60s;
          .connect_timeout = 300s ;
          .probe = {
                 .url = "/";
                 .timeout = 1s;
                 .interval = 5s;
                 .window = 5;
                 .threshold = 3;
         sub vcl_backend_response {
           set beresp.ttl = 5m;

  enabled: false
  annotations: {}
    # nginx
    # "true"
  path: /
    - chart-example.local
  tls: []
  #  - secretName: chart-example-tls
  #    hosts:
  #      - chart-example.local

    memory: 128Mi
    memory: 64Mi

#resources: {}
  # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
  # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
  # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
  # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
  # limits:
  #  cpu: 100m
  #  memory: 128Mi
  # requests:
  #  cpu: 100m
  #  memory: 128Mi

nodeSelector: {}

tolerations: []

affinity: {}
-- Debasis Singh

1 Answer


.host = "";

Use the IP address instead of the Hostname

Sharing the logs generated when running command varnishlog -g request -q "ReqHeader:Host eq ''" -q "ReqUrl eq '/'" below please look into it..

*   << Request  >> 1512355   
-   Begin          req 1512354 rxreq
-   Timestamp      Start: 1584707667.287292 0.000000 0.000000
-   Timestamp      Req: 1584707667.287292 0.000000 0.000000
-   VCL_use        boot
-   ReqStart 51532 a0
-   ReqMethod      GET
-   ReqURL         /
-   ReqProtocol    HTTP/1.1
-   ReqHeader      Host:
-   ReqHeader      User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
-   ReqHeader      Accept: */*
-   ReqHeader      Accept-Encoding: gzip
-   ReqHeader      X-Forwarded-For:
-   VCL_call       RECV
-   ReqUnset       Host:
-   ReqHeader      host:
-   VCL_return     hash
-   VCL_call       HASH
-   VCL_return     lookup
-   VCL_call       MISS
-   VCL_return     fetch
-   Link           bereq 1512356 fetch
-   Timestamp      Fetch: 1584707667.287521 0.000228 0.000228
-   RespProtocol   HTTP/1.1
-   RespStatus     503
-   RespReason     Backend fetch failed
-   RespHeader     Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 12:34:27 GMT
-   RespHeader     Server: Varnish
-   RespHeader     Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
-   RespHeader     Retry-After: 5
-   RespHeader     X-Varnish: 1512355
-   RespHeader     Age: 0
-   RespHeader     Via: 1.1 varnish (Varnish/6.3)
-   VCL_call       DELIVER
-   RespHeader     X-Cache: uncached
-   VCL_return     deliver
-   Timestamp      Process: 1584707667.287542 0.000250 0.000021
-   Filters        
-   RespHeader     Content-Length: 284
-   RespHeader     Connection: keep-alive
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1584707667.287591 0.000299 0.000048
-   ReqAcct        110 0 110 271 284 555
-   End            
**  << BeReq    >> 1512356   
--  Begin          bereq 1512355 fetch
--  VCL_use        boot
--  Timestamp      Start: 1584707667.287401 0.000000 0.000000
--  BereqMethod    GET
--  BereqURL       /
--  BereqProtocol  HTTP/1.1
--  BereqHeader    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
--  BereqHeader    Accept: */*
--  BereqHeader    Accept-Encoding: gzip
--  BereqHeader    X-Forwarded-For:
--  BereqHeader    host:
--  BereqHeader    X-Varnish: 1512356
--  VCL_call       BACKEND_FETCH
--  VCL_return     fetch
--  FetchError     backend default: unhealthy
--  Timestamp      Beresp: 1584707667.287429 0.000028 0.000028
--  Timestamp      Error: 1584707667.287432 0.000031 0.000002
--  BerespProtocol HTTP/1.1
--  BerespStatus   503
--  BerespReason   Service Unavailable
--  BerespReason   Backend fetch failed
--  BerespHeader   Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 12:34:27 GMT
--  BerespHeader   Server: Varnish
--  VCL_call       BACKEND_ERROR
--  BerespHeader   Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
--  BerespHeader   Retry-After: 5
--  VCL_return     deliver
--  Storage        malloc Transient
--  Length         284
--  BereqAcct      0 0 0 0 0 0
--  End 
-- Arianna Aondio
Source: StackOverflow