I am trying to get the real ip of the user visiting my website - for statistic on individual users. Currently I can only see the docker ip.
The project is set up with kubernetes, docker and uses graphql for the requests. I have not set it up, why I am not sure on how these interact with each other and exactly where the problem lies.
imports: [
inject: [ConfigService],
useFactory: () => ({
autoSchemaFile: 'schema.gql',
debug: true,
fieldResolverEnhancers: ['guards'],
formatError: (error: GraphQLError): GraphQLFormattedError => {
return error.originalError instanceof BaseException
? error.originalError.serialize()
: error;
context: ({ req }): object => {
console.log("Ip:", req.ip); // Prints the docker ip, not the real user ip
return ({ req });
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [AppService],