Azure k8s dashboard does not open


I have k8s cluster on Azure and can not access the dashboard. To access it I was doing aks browse --resource-group <res_group> --name <cluster_name> It does not open after accidentally deleted the kube-dashboard pod.

Error: Couldn't find the Kubernetes dashboard pod.

Did try to enable-disbale dashboard add-on on Azure. Re-install k8s-dashboard. (Azure did not allow)

Any ideas on how to solve the issue and restart the dashboard?

-- lvadim01

1 Answer


Did find the following solution that worked for me:

  1. Created another Azure k8s cluster. For each cluster Azure makes a dashboard deployment.

  2. Copied the yaml files with the command: kubectl get deployment -n kube-system <kubernetes-dasboard-xxx> for each "deployment, replicaSet, service and pod related to dashboard"

  3. Recreated them into the old not working cluster.

  4. Upgraded-downgraded the cluster version to re-deploy the objects.

-- lvadim01
Source: StackOverflow