How does Kubernetes pull images


I have a private registry and when I try to pull images I get a DNS lookup error. This is after following the steps provided in kubernetes documentation.

I just wanted to know what steps will kubernetes perform to pull the images from a container registry. Will the kubernetes master pull the images and deploy it in the nodes or is this also scheduled to the nodes to pull the required images

-- Shash

1 Answer


No, the master won't access your registry. The nodes will pull the images when they need it (ie. when a pod that uses the images will be scheduled)

In your case, you must check that accessing the registry is possible from the nodes (you can try a manual docker pull for that)

If your registry needs some authentification, you will also have to add some credential in your namespaces secrets (but your "DNS lookup error" does tell that it is not your actual issue)

-- Orabîg
Source: StackOverflow