We installed fuse-online 7.4 on openshift 3.11. We created an integration containing an OpenApiProvider connection and an SQL connection.
When we publish the integration, the build fails with the following error: "repo1.maven.org: Name or service not known: Unknown host repo1.maven.org: Name or service not known"
I suppose that, since the buildconfig for the integration is created dynamically, is not possible to inject HTTP_PROXY,HTTPS_PROXY,NO_PROXY env variables to the build pod.
We read https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/install_config/http_proxies.html#s2i-builds but since we don't have any rights to modify s2i image we cannot proceed.
Is there any way to provide proxy information during during fuse-online integration build?
Finally we succeeded to inject http proxy environment variables in dynamic created build pods. We modified syndesis-server-config config map reporting proxy variables on mavenOptions key like this:
mavenOptions: "-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -Xmx310m -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort= -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort= -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="
Thanks for the support
Let me know if you have any other idea of resolving the issue
Can you check the DNS of your network connection? Not sure why but sometimes I have to use one of the "reliable" DNS on my machine (like the from Google) to make sure repo1.maven.org is reachable.
You can check if this is the problem trying a simple
$ ping repo1.maven.org
If that doesn't work, you have to check your DNS.