Metrics for Kubernetes events which are stored in apiserver


I was trying to look out for metrics or exporters which could provide information about Kubernetes events which are stored in apiserver.

Read things here:

I could not find anything relevant to my use case.

Any help around this would be highly appreciated.

-- amankedia

1 Answer


As mentioned by @c4f4t0r you should implement the Prometheus Operator.

Here is the documentation regarding this.

Installs prometheus-operator to create/configure/manage Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes. This chart includes multiple components and is suitable for a variety of use-cases.

The default installation is intended to suit monitoring a kubernetes cluster the chart is deployed onto. It closely matches the kube-prometheus project.

prometheus-operator prometheus alertmanager node-exporter kube-state-metrics grafana service monitors to scrape internal kubernetes components kube-apiserver kube-scheduler kube-controller-manager etcd kube-dns/coredns kube-proxy With the installation, the chart also includes dashboards and alerts.

And here are some more details regarding Prometheus Operator vs. kube-prometheus vs. community helm chart if you are interested.

Please let me know if that helped.

-- OhHiMark
Source: StackOverflow