I want to create a cluster which is very similar to this one where they are using azure. Link to the tutorial
Whatever tutorials i have gone through for AWS-EKS are blocking it bi directional. But I need a bastion host and don't want the application to be inaccessible via www.
Is there a possible solution for this problem.
The AKS tutorial you posted aim to create completely Private Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Anyway, either case you can use eksctl to easily create one, here's a quick example where public access to control plane is disabled and allow node group to use NAT for Internet access. You can replace <> with your own preference:
cat << EOF | eksctl create cluster -f -
apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig
name: <my cluster name>
region: <my region name>
privateAccess: true
publicAccess: false
- name: <my self-managed node group name>
instanceType: <t3a.medium>
desiredCapacity: 1