What is different between cpu vs. requests.memory, pods vs. count/pods


When I studying about Resource Quotas, I found somethings very similar, e.g:

  • memory vs. requests.memory
  • pods vs. count/pods

So, my question is what's the different between them?

-- dungdm93

1 Answer


I think you are confusing Compute Resource Quota with Object Count Quota

  • Compute Resource Quota

The total sum of compute resources that can be requested in a given namespace.

requests.memory - for instance you can set in this way the total guaranteed amount of memory for Dev team in their dev namespace taking into account all Pods' containers.

  • Object Count Quota

The total number of generic objects that can exist in the namespace.

count/services or pods - possible use case, limit the maximum number of pods per namespace, quoting the official documentation:

You might want to set a pods quota on a namespace to avoid the case where a user creates many small pods and exhausts the cluster’s supply of Pod IPs.

-- Nepomucen
Source: StackOverflow