Existing Infra of Kubernetes with Docker EE Licensing


I am a bit confused about Docker EE. In my case I have fully working setup of Kubernetes. It has few dev,test application containers, and now we want to move for production containers(App) which are client facing so developers were talking about docker EE for prod. Now how it will affect my existing kubernetes infrastructure? Do I need to go for any additional configuration for my kubernetes, or it's just way of creation of container image by developer part will change? As existing Kubernetes infra maintaining part is anything changes?

-- kiran

1 Answer


DockerEE has its own way to install and setup kubernetes.

Its simpler than the usual kubernetes setup in my opinion. But one thing i noticed in dockeree, kubelet is running as a container managed by swarm. Most if not all kubernetes control plane components are managed by swarm not systemd.

-- Bal Chua
Source: StackOverflow