I'm trying to set up the LetsEncrypt SSL ceritficate using cert manager. I have successfully deployed Cert Manager by Helm and stuck at configuring ingress.yaml
$ sudo kubectl create --edit -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jetstack/cert-manager/master/docs/tutorials/quick-start/example/ingress.yaml
I've got this:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
name: kuard
namespace: default
- host: example.example.com
- backend:
serviceName: kuard
servicePort: 80
path: /
- hosts:
- example.example.com
secretName: quickstart-example-tls
So I just replaced hosts from example.com to my external IP and got this:
A copy of your changes has been stored to "/tmp/kubectl-edit-qx3kw.yaml"
The Ingress "kuard" is invalid: spec.rules[0].host: Invalid value: must be a DNS name, not an IP address
Is there any way to set it up using just my external IP? I have't yet chosen the domain name for my app and want to use just plain IP for demoing and playing around.
No. You cannot use an IP address for the Ingress. To use an IP address, you'd need to configure it to point to your worker nodes and create a NodePort Service, which will allow you to browse to http://IP:NODEPORT