I'm trying to access Kubernetes APIs from NodeJS. Running in environment where no kubectl or gcloud command line tools are available. Using https://github.com/kubernetes-client/javascript client side SDK. The question is how to authenticate and access the remote cluster. I need this for K8s running in GCP.
In other words trying to do what "gcloud container clusters get-credentials" does, but without "gcloud" cli.
If you want to use Kubernetes Master API from outside, you need to authorize in one of the ways described here.
In particular, if you want to use username/password and you use GKE (k8 on GCP), then you can do it in the following steps:
I think that you can invoke Kubernetes API from NodeJS
using this kubernetes-client promoted by GoDaddy. Kubernetes-client
for NodeJS
simplifies a way how to adjust an interface to Kubernetes API.
Below example demonstrates a way how to use a small snippet to extract all the Deployments
in the default Kubernetes Namespace
const Client = require('kubernetes-client').Client;
const config = require('kubernetes-client').config;
const client = new Client({ config: config.fromKubeconfig(), version: '1.9' });
const deployments = await client.api.v1.namespaces('default').deployments.get();
Here you can find more snippets for using kubernetes-client