Run minikube as a windows startup


I have installed minikube in my windows 10. I was able to create deployment and work. But when i stop minikube everything(including deployment) is lost. How to run minikube as a service startup in windows?

-- I.vignesh David

1 Answer


I've reproduced your problem on 1.25.1 version - indeed, all resources that were deployed in the cluster are deleted on minikube stop.

As I already mentioned in the comments, this issue was raised here. It is currently fixed in the latest release, you would need to upgrade your Minikube installation to to 1.25.2 version - basically, re-install it with newest version available here. Confirming from my side that as soon as I've upgraded Minikube from 1.25.1 to 1.25.2 version, deployments and all other resources were present on the cluster after restarting Minikube.

-- anarxz
Source: StackOverflow