Istio multicluster configuration on gke


I'm new to Istio. I've tried Istio multicluster configration on gke. I followed instruction at which says Istio control plane can connect to service "review-v3" at remote cluster but it couldn't. Istio control plane can connect to services at same cluster. How do you try to figure out the cause at first? Do you refer to the status of envoy? Or does anybody successfully get 2 clusters connected?

-- genzo

2 Answers

First of all, I would recommend you to make sure that the pre-requisites are met [1]

According to this similar issue [2], you must check the pilot logs which is the one in charge of the routing [3]. No, I won’t recommend Envoy Installation. I haven’t seen anyone connected two clusters together.

-- Muhammad Ebaduddin
Source: StackOverflow


I had successful build istio multicluster on public cloud but not on GKE.

Cross cluster network was constructed by submariner.

Then following the instruction begun with "Install the Istio control plane" in

-- YungWei
Source: StackOverflow