Are there available tools to manage kubernetes configuration?


Given a container in a Azure container registry and a kubernetes cluster setup via the portal. Are there any visual tools that I can use so that I don't have to use the command line commands ,for things like add/edit the yaml file and launching the cluster?

For example I found this tool, but this is only one part of the process and it is also not aware of the existing infrastructure.

What are the visual tools to manage kubernetes end-to-end?

-- realPro

3 Answers


One tool I always work with when dealing with Kubernetes is Lens. Here is a video showing you what it can do. Best of all, it just needs the kube config file and so it is agnostic to where the Kubernetes cluster is (On-Prem, GKE, AKS, EKS)

-- Brad Rehman
Source: StackOverflow


kubectx for switching between contexts (clusters) & K9s is widely used that is something hybrid between being a cli and visual tool.

-- Philip Welz
Source: StackOverflow


Octant is another option -, it is similar to lens

-- ffran09
Source: StackOverflow