Using Terraform to deploy Kubernetes apps


I know that using Terraform to deploy your Infra and Kubernetes Cluster is the way to go. However, does it make any sense to use Terraform to also deploy applications on kubernetes cluster? Is this also the way to go?

Thank you

-- shiguti

2 Answers


As David Maze mentioned, you can combine terraform with helm. You can find more information abut terraform provider here and here As per terraform documentation

"install_tiller" - (Optional) Install Tiller if it is not already installed. Defaults to true. You can use also ansible with helm packages manager here:

Please take a lookk for othe automated tools described shortly here and here. like jenkins mentioned by Shirine.

Please take a lookk for othe automated tools described shortly here like jenkins mentioned bye @Shirine

There are different solutions. Depending on your needs you should consider factors like: paid/free solutions, for developers/teams, preferred platform, other factors like security, increasing transparency, collaboration and availability.

Hope this help

-- Hanx
Source: StackOverflow


Though it's not devoid of it's complexities, a better pipeline is Jenkins + Helm + Spinnaker combo.

  • Jenkins - CI
  • Helm - templating and chart build
  • Spinnaker - deploy


  • Spinnaker is an excellent tool for deployment to kubernetis.

  • It can be made aware of multiple environment ,so cloud pipeline are easier to build.

  • Natively integrates with most of the cloud providers like AWS,Azure,PCF etc


  • On the flip side it's a little heavy tool as it is comprised of a bunch of microservices and configuration can get under your skin.
-- Shirine
Source: StackOverflow