How to create bucket in Couchbase using kubectl with curl command and insert data into it.?


I have tried creating an bucket in Couchbase using the following commands, Its showing some 202 Accepted response and it is in progress status. But it is not completed. I have waiting for a while and listed created bucket I wont found any newly created bucket.

Commands- curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets \ -u Administrator:password \ -d name=testBucket \ -d ramQuotaMB=100

enter image description here

I have also tried to create an bucket in couchbase cli using kubectl using the following command, Here also initially shows newly bucket but when creation is not completed. It again doesnt show.


couchbase-cli bucket-create -c localhost:8091 --username Administrator \ --password password --bucket TestBucket --bucket-type couchbase \ --bucket-ramsize 100

-- mayur gavali

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