kubernetes - multiple pods with same app on the same node


We are migrating our infrastructure to kubernetes. I am talking about a part of it, that contains of an api for let's say customers (we have this case for many other resources). Let's consider we have a billion customers, each with some data etc. and we decided they deserve a specialized api just for them, with its own db, server, domain, etc.

Kubernetes has the notion of nodes and pods. So we said "ok, we dedicate node X with all its resources to this particular api". And now the question:

Why would I used multiple pods each of them containing the same nginx + fpm and code, and limit it to a part of traffic and resources, and add an internal lb, autoscale, etc., instead of having a single pod, with all node resources?

Since each pod adds a bit of extra memory consumption this seems like a waste to me. The only upside being the fact that if something fails only part of it goes down (so maybe 2 pods would be optimal in this case?).

Obviously, would scale the nodes when needed.

Note: I'm not talking about a case where you have multiple pods with different stuff, I'm talking about that particular case.

Note 2: The db already is outside this node, on it's own pod.

Google fails me on this topic. I find hundreds of post with "how to configure things, but 0 with WHY?".

-- zozo

1 Answer


Why would I used multiple pods each of them containing the same nginx + fpm and code, and limit it to a part of traffic and resources, and add an internal lb, autoscale, etc., instead of having a single pod, with all node resources?

Since each pod adds a bit of extra memory consumption this seems like a waste to me. The only upside being the fact that if something fails only part of it goes down (so maybe 2 pods would be optimal in this case?).

This comes down to the question, should I scale my app vertically (larger instance) or horizontally (more instances).

First, try to avoid using only a single instance since you probably want more redundancy if you e.g. upgrade a Node. A single instance may be a good option if you are OK with some downtime sometimes.

Scale app vertically

To scale an app vertically, by changing the instance to a bigger, is a viable alternative that sometimes is a good option. Especially when the app can not be scaled horizontally, e.g. an app that use leader election pattern - typically listen to a specific event and react. There is however a limit by how much you can scale an app vertically.

Scale app horizontally

For a stateless app, it is usually much easier and cheaper to scale an app horizontally by adding more instances. You typically want more than one instance anyway, since you want to tolerate that a Node goes down for maintenance. This is also possible to do for a large scale app to very many instances - and the cost scales linearly. However, not every app can scale horizontally, e.g. a distributed database (replicated) can typically not scale well horizontally unless you shard the data. You can even use Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to automatically adjust the number of instances depending on how busy the app is.

Trade offs

As described above, horizontal scaling is usually easier and preferred. But there are trade offs - you would probably not want to run thousands of instances when you have low traffic - an instance has some resource overhead costs, also in maintainability. For availability you should run at least 2 pods and make sure that they does not run on the same node, if you have a regional cluster, you want to make sure that they does not run on the same Availability Zone - for availability reasons. Consider 2-3 pods when your traffic is low, and use Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to automatically scale up to more instance when you need. In the end, this is a number game - resources cost money - but you want to provide a good service for your customers as well.

-- Jonas
Source: StackOverflow