Azure Kubernetes - Local Kubernetes Environment for Developers?


I have installed Docker desktop to build the image however how do I setup the Kubernetes on my local machine to deploy and test? My application depends on configmap, secrets, cronjobs and PV, PVCs. Is there any development space available on Azure Kubernetes? If so, how do I use it?

-- Karthikeyan Vijayakumar

1 Answer


you can likely explore azure dev spaces for this, that's specifically designed to escort developers and make their life easy.

A namespace and subspaces are created inside that, the subspaces are used by individual developers to work on by marking the respective subspaces active for them, anytime you change the code, it will build the docker image and deploy the code to that space.

The only thing is that it is present in preview feature, hence likely you have to explore it for your specific use cases.

You can likely check for this at azure portal

-- Tushar Mahajan
Source: StackOverflow