How to use multi domain by one ingress on baremetal


I know how can i use one ingress for one domain but if i have more than one domain like below what should ido? how should i handle DNS for ingress?I do not want to write domain in ingress.ymlenter image description here

-- yasin lachini

1 Answer


Ingress element on diagram is ingress-controller, but nobody forbids creating individual Ingress resources for each route.

As alternative solution, you can expose service as LoadBalancer and configure external DNS service to route traffic on Kubernetes LB Service. Check ExternalDNS project for more information.

MetalLB and kube-router also could be useful for Bare-Metal/On-Premise K8s setup.

On my opinion, Helm/Ksonnet/Kustomize will help you with Ingress resource management too.

-- SKorolchuk
Source: StackOverflow