How to define a service label for a kubernetes service running on GKE


I am creating a kubernetes cluster to host a service and added an internal load balancer to route traffic between my VM Instances and the kubernetes cluster. I want to add a service label to the load balancer FrontEnd so that I can use a dns name instead of an IP address. But I don't know the annotation to use to add a service label? My terraform config looks like below

Any idea where I can find the list of annotations supported

resource "kubernetes_manifest" "service_ilb" {
  provider = kubernetes-alpha

  manifest = {
    "apiVersion" = "v1"
    "kind"       = "Service"

    "metadata" = {
      "name"      = "ilb-service"
      "namespace" = var.namespace

      "annotations" = {
        ""                          = "Internal"
        "" = "true"
        ""              = var.subnetwork
        # Does not work
        ""       = "my-dns-name" 
      "labels" = {
        "" = "rabbitmq-server"
        ""      = "rabbitmq-instance"

    "spec" = {
      "type" = "LoadBalancer"

      "ports" = [
          "name"       = "amqp-tls"
          "port"       = 5671
          "targetPort" = 5671
          "protocol"   = "TCP"
          "nodePort"   = 31212
          "name"       = "http"
          "port"       = 15672
          "targetPort" = 15672
          "protocol"   = "TCP"
          "nodePort"   = 32511

      "selector" = {
        "" = "rabbitmq-server"
        ""      = "rabbitmq-instance"
  wait_for = {
    fields = {
      # Check an ingress has an IP
      "status.loadBalancer.ingress.0.ip" = "^(\\d+(\\.|$)){4}"

Thanks in advance

-- RandomQuests

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