I see empty list of disks using "az disk list". Created in AKS and working ok


I am trying to follow this tutorial to backup a persistent volume in Azure AKS:


I can see the volumes doing

az aks get-credentials --resource-group MYRESOURCEGROUP --name  HIDDEN --subscription MYSUBSCRIPTION

kubectl get pv

(Both disk and file, managed-premium and standard storage classes)

but then I do:

az disk list --resource-group MYRESOURCEGROUP  --subscription MYSUBSCRIPTION

and I get an empty list, so I can't know the source full path to perform the snapshot.

Am I missing something?

-- icordoba

1 Answer


that happens because AKS is creating a service resource group with AKS resources, it is called something like MC_%AKS-name%_%AKS-resource-group-name%_%region% (not configurable at the time of writing). you should list disks in that resource group to view those.

-- 4c74356b41
Source: StackOverflow