Can a configMap of type array be created in Kubernetes


Does the following configuration for configMap create the test.json file of type empty array or string []

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: myconfigmap
  test.json: |-

The convertor to JSON suggests string:

	"kind": "ConfigMap",
	"apiVersion": "v1",
	"metadata": {
		"name": "myconfigmap"
	"data": {
		"test.json": "[]"

My goal is to create configMap file with empty array.

-- maopuppets

1 Answer


Sure, you can make it whatever string you want, it just has to be a string. The thing you can't do is test.json: [] since that's an array. The fact that your string happens to be valid JSON is not something K8s knows or cares about.

-- coderanger
Source: StackOverflow