I have an application (Spring Boot + Hibernate + Postgres) which executes ETL process. The application is deployed in OpenShift and has a scale n > 1, so this application always has more than 1 replica. But if every app launched own ETL in same database then data wouldn't be consistent. Therefore, I think the process should be launched via something external. I see a decision of my task as a method of API which can "doEtl()" and the method can be called a kubernete (OS) 'schedule' or another kuber (OS) tool. However I can't understand how to google it. I try to look for 'kubernetes custom schedule' but the found results explain 'how to work' or how to write custom the schedule for auto-scale.
Can someone advice me, if it is generally possible and if yes how to google it or how to named it?
You might be looking for the CronJobs
object that is available and can be used to regularly execute a certain action.
For OpenShift, you can find more information in the documentation: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.3/nodes/jobs/nodes-nodes-jobs.html