Recurrent actions via OpenShift


I have an application (Spring Boot + Hibernate + Postgres) which executes ETL process. The application is deployed in OpenShift and has a scale n > 1, so this application always has more than 1 replica. But if every app launched own ETL in same database then data wouldn't be consistent. Therefore, I think the process should be launched via something external. I see a decision of my task as a method of API which can "doEtl()" and the method can be called a kubernete (OS) 'schedule' or another kuber (OS) tool. However I can't understand how to google it. I try to look for 'kubernetes custom schedule' but the found results explain 'how to work' or how to write custom the schedule for auto-scale.

Can someone advice me, if it is generally possible and if yes how to google it or how to named it?

-- Illine

1 Answer


You might be looking for the CronJobs object that is available and can be used to regularly execute a certain action.

For OpenShift, you can find more information in the documentation:

-- Simon
Source: StackOverflow