SocketTimeoutException when container in Pod try to contact Kubernetes API Server


I have a Kubernetes cluster deployed locally with Kubeadm/Vagrant with a master and two workers with the following IPs: master: worker1: worker2:

then I have an application composed by a ReactJS frontend and SpringBoot backend running in two separate containers on the same Pod. When I submit a form on the frontend the application calls an API in the backend that internally calls a Kubernetes API. To authenticate to the cluster I use a .kube/config file correctly configured.

When the application (frontend/backend) is outside the cluster everything works fine. I use docker-compose to startup the two containers just for the unit tests. The .kube/config file has as API URL The problem is when I try to run the application in the containers the IP doesn't work properly and communication goes in Timeout exception.

I am sure the application is OK because the same application works fine in IBM Cloud wherein .kube/config there is an API server with public IP reachable.

My question is, which IP should I put into .kube/config when I run the application locally inside my cluster? How can I get this IP using kubectl commands? Thanks in advance for any help.

-- Salvatore D'angelo

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