how to access microk8s services?


I have installed microk8s and deployed rabbitmq-ha.

I have successfully connected to the cluster js code:

const conn = await amqp.connect('amqp://guest:G5k5QKSCXjJyTnqsm2gTXFmg@')
const ch = await conn.createChannel()

await ch.assertQueue(QUEUE)

And when I connected to the pod and container I could see the created queue (rabbitmqctl cli).

The problem is with the ui dashboard.
I am browsing to, the rabbitmq management,
but I see the requests failing with body 404 Not Found get / Error: 404 Not Found get /.

I don't quite understand the problem, but I guess it is something with the microk8s network.
How can I fix it?

-- itaied

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