I am trying to run airflow in google cloud run. Getting error Disk I/O error, I guess the disk write permission is missing.
can someone please help me with this how to give write permission inside cloud run. I also have to write file and later delete it.
Only the directory /tmp
is writable in Cloud Run. So, change the default write location to write into this directory.
However, you have to be aware of 2 things:
directory is an in-memory file system. The maximum allowed memory on Cloud Run is 2Gb, your app memory footprint included. In addition of your file and Airflow, not sure that you will have a lot of space.A final remark. Cloud Run is active only when it process request, and a request has a maximum timeout of 15 minutes. When no request, the allowed cpu is close to 0%. I'm not sure of what you want to achieve with Airflow on Cloud Run, but my feeling tells me that your design is strange. And I prefer to warn you before you spend too much effort on this.