I am on EKS 1.13. Is there a way to declare health check type on ELB created by Service resource to be http ? It is currently created as TCP protocol. I found service annotations for health check timeouts, intervals, and threshold, but not a way for health check protocol or path.
My config is
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: django
namespace: dev
app.kubernetes.io/name: django
app.kubernetes.io/version: dev
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: kubectl
app: django
type: LoadBalancer
app: django
- port: 80
targetPort: django-port
I think you have created a Classic load balancer as mentioned in this document. You would need to use ALB ingress controller in order to use application load balancer. Using application load balancer, you can have annotations for configuring health check. Please refer this document and this document for more details.