How to remove a label from a kubernetes object just with "kubectl apply -f file.yaml"?


I'm playing around with GitOps and ArgoCD in Redhat Openshift. My goal is to switch a worker node to an infra node.

I want to do this with descriptive YAML Files, and NOT manually by using the command line (that's easy with kubectl label node ...)

In order to do make the node an infra node, I want to add a label "infra" and take the label "worker" from it. Before, the object looks like this (irrelevant labels omitted):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Node
  labels: ""
spec: {}

After applying a YAML File, it's supposed to look like that:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Node
  labels: ""
spec: {}

If I put the latter config in a file, and do "kubectl apply -f ", the node has both infra and worker labels. So adding a label or changing the value of a label is easy, but is there a way to remove a label in an objects metadata by applying a YAML file ?

-- tvitt

4 Answers


I've pretty successfully changed a node label in my Kubernetes cluster (created using kubeadm) using kubectl replace and kubectl apply.

Required: If your node configuration was changed manually using imperative command like kubectl label it's required to fix last-applied-configuration annotation using the following command (replace node2 with your node name):

kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Note: It works in the same way with all types of Kubernetes objects (with slightly different consequences. Always check the results).

Note2: --export argument for kubectl get is deprecated, and it works well without it, but if you use it the last-applied-configuration annotation appears to be much shorter and easier to read.

Without applying existing configuration, the next kubectl apply command will ignore all fields that are not present in the last-applied-configuration annotation.
The following example illustrate that behaviour:

kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | grep node-role 

 "":""},          # <--- important line
 "name":"node2","selfLink":"/api/v1/nodes/node2"},"spec":{"podCIDR":""},"status":{"daemonEndpoints":{"kubeletEndpoint":{"Port":0}},"nodeInfo":{"architecture":"","bootID":"","containerRuntimeVersion":"","kernelVersion":"","kubeProxyVersion":"","kubeletVersion":"","machineID":"","operatingSystem":"","osImage":"","systemUUID":""}}} "" ""

Let's check what happened with label if I try to replace the worker with infra and remove santa, ( worker is present in the annotation):

kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | sed ' "" ""@' | sed ' ""@@'| kubectl diff -f -

diff -u -N /tmp/LIVE-380689040/v1.Node..node2 /tmp/MERGED-682760879/v1.Node..node2
--- /tmp/LIVE-380689040/v1.Node..node2   2020-04-08 17:20:18.108809972 +0000
+++ /tmp/MERGED-682760879/v1.Node..node2 2020-04-08 17:20:18.120809972 +0000
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ amd64 node2 linux
+ ""         # <-- created ""         # <-- ignored
- ""        # <-- removed
   name: node2
   resourceVersion: "60973814"
   selfLink: /api/v1/nodes/node2
exit status 1

After fixing annotation, kubectl apply works pretty well replacing and removing labels:

kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | sed ' "" ""@' | sed ' ""@@'| kubectl diff -f -

diff -u -N /tmp/LIVE-107488917/v1.Node..node2 /tmp/MERGED-924858096/v1.Node..node2
--- /tmp/LIVE-107488917/v1.Node..node2   2020-04-08 18:01:55.776699954 +0000
+++ /tmp/MERGED-924858096/v1.Node..node2 2020-04-08 18:01:55.792699954 +0000
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ amd64 node2 linux
- ""         # <-- removed
- ""        # <-- removed
+ ""         # <-- created
   name: node2
   resourceVersion: "60978298"
   selfLink: /api/v1/nodes/node2
exit status 1

Here are a few more examples:

# Check the original label ( last filter removes last applied config annotation line)
$ kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | grep node-role | grep -v apiVersion ""

# Replace the label using kubectl replace syntax
$ kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | sed ' "" ""@' | kubectl replace -f -
node/node2 replaced

# check the new state of the label
$ kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | grep node-role | grep -v apiVersion ""

# Replace the label using kubectl apply syntax
$ kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | sed ' "" ""@' | kubectl apply -f -
node/node2 configured

# check the new state of the label
$ kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | grep node-role | grep -v apiVersion ""

# Remove the label from the node ( for demonstration purpose)
$ kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | sed ' ""@@' | kubectl apply -f -
node/node2 configured

# check the new state of the label
$ kubectl get node node2 -o yaml | grep node-role | grep -v apiVersion
# empty output

You may see the following warning when you use kubectl apply -f on the resource created using imperative commands like kubectl create or kubectl expose for the first time:

Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply

In this case last-applied-configuration annotation will be created with the content of the file used in kubectl apply -f filename.yaml command. It may not contain all parameters and labels that are present in the live object.

-- VAS
Source: StackOverflow


Try setting the worker label to false: "false"

Worked for me on OpenShift 4.4.

Edit: This doesn't work. What happened was:

  • Applied YML file containing "false"
  • Automated process ran deleting the label from the node (due to it not being specified in the YML it would automatically apply)

What's funny is that the automated process would not delete the label if it was empty instead of set to false.

-- srutten86
Source: StackOverflow


you can delete the label with

kubectl label node

than you can run the kubectl apply again with the new label. You will be up and running.

-- Petr Kotas
Source: StackOverflow


I would say it's not possible to do with kubectl apply, at least I tried and couldn't find any informations about that.

As @Petr Kotas mentioned you can always use

kubectl label node

But I see you're looking for something else

I want to do this with descriptive YAML Files, and NOT manually by using the command line (that's easy with kubectl label node ...)

So maybe the answer could be to use API clients, for example python? I have found this example here, made by @Prafull Ladha

As already mentioned, correct kubectl example to delete label, but there is no mention of removing labels using API clients. if you want to remove label using the API, then you need to provide a new body with the labelname: None and then patch that body to the node or pod. I am using the kubernetes python client API for example purpose

from pprint import pprint
from kubernetes import client, config

client.configuration.debug = True

api_instance = client.CoreV1Api()

body = {
    "metadata": {
        "labels": {
            "label-name": None}

api_response = api_instance.patch_node("minikube", body)

-- jt97
Source: StackOverflow