How to configure KubernetesClient to connect to AWS EKS ckluster


I'm trying to use io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClient to connect to my AWS EKS cluster but I'm having no luck as follows:

  Cluster cluster =

  final io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.Config kubeConfig =
      new ConfigBuilder()

  kubernetesClient = new DefaultKubernetesClient(kubeConfig);

The connection just times out so I'm sure I'm missing something. I can reach the AWS cluster with all the AWS SDK tools but those don't provide everything I need.

Any ideas/suggestions?

-- javydreamercsw

1 Answer


Found this question when also was looking for ways to connect to EKS. Will post my solution in case someone finds it useful.
In my case I first obtain the token with encoded IAM role via aws eks get-token --cluster-name=my-cluster command and then use it in the ConfigBuilder:

new DefaultKubernetesClient(
           new ConfigBuilder().withMasterUrl(clusterEndPoint)
-- VSh
Source: StackOverflow