We are using Ambassador as API gateway for our application. Now we need to deploy couple of backend services using Knative which will be not exposed to external ingress.
I came into this docs https://knative.dev/docs/serving/cluster-local-route/ where i can add label to use local route.
After adding the label to ksvc, i'm getting couldn't resolve host from another pod
root@helloworld-9fbdbdff-qh888:/opt/microservices# curl http://helloworld-go.default
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: helloworld-go.default
Do i need to install cluster-local-gateway from istio? Currently we don't have any istio component installed on our cluster.
Is it possible to use private cluster-local service without istio's cluster-local-gateway. If not, can i just install cluster-local-gateway to make it work
Thank you!