Add a script or a command to run with Skaffold dev deployment to a Kubernetes cluster


I would like to run a command to clone a script from a remote repository before running skaffold dev I need to either somehow inject a git clone command or put the git clone command and the corresponding arguments in a shell script and run the shell script with Skaffold.

From the Skaffold workflow point of view, this step should be run before build. I am using Jib for the build phase and it appears that Jib state does not give me any ability to run a script before the actual build. I don't know if I can add a new phase to the Skaffold life cycle like pre-build. One solution came to my mind is to use custom build instead of Jib and put all pre-build commands as well as the jib related commands in a single script to run. This approach probably works, but won't be very convenient. I was wondering if there is a better approach to do this with Skaffold.

    - image:
        buildCommand: ./
-- Ali

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