Peering Connection between GKE and EKS


Is it possible to connect a GKE cluster to a VPC within AWS? For this specific use case, I want the GKE cluster to be able to talk with the EKS cluster behind a VPC in AWS.

  • I have the CIDR block for my GKE cluster gcloud container clusters describe _cluster_name_ | grep clusterIpv4Cidr
  • I've already created a VPC and cluster in AWS (i.e. I have a VPC ID for my aws VPC)

Do I need to create a VPC for my GKE cluster in addition to the VPC for my EKS cluster, or do I just need the CIDR range for the GKE cluster for AWS?

Google searching renders very few results for connecting clusters from different providers.

-- Baily

1 Answer


In my opinion, it's possible with VPN connection. At first, I think you should have a look at Kubernetes Engine Communication Through VPN demo. And then, move to the more close example for your case - site-to-site VPN between GCP and AWS. In addition, check some Google Cloud Router documentation and example for some extra information about networking at GKE.

-- Serhii Rohoza
Source: StackOverflow