How to manage Kubernetes Helm Chart Configurations?


I want to set up a Kubernetes Cluster with multiple Helm Charts installed. I like the idea of having configurations versioned in an Git repository. I'm wondering if there is any tool (or recommended/best practice) of how the state of installed helm charts can be "versioned".

For example, I would like to have a yaml file similar to the following example with multiple helm charts and a tool (that's the tool I'm searching for) which will take care of applying this file to my Kubernetes cluster:

- name: gitlab
  chart: gitlab/gitlab-runner
    - gitlab-runner/values.yaml
    - local/gitlab-runner-override.yaml
  namespace: gitlab-runner

- name: metallb
  chart: stable/metallb
    - metallb/configuration.yaml


This way it is possible to manage the contents of the Kubernetes cluster in a programatically way.

Any recommendations?

-- Matthias Lohr

2 Answers


It looks like helmfile is the solution you need:

Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts. It lets you...

Keep a directory of chart value files and maintain changes in version control. Apply CI/CD to configuration changes. Periodically sync to avoid skew in environments.

You can read more about it in this article.

-- mario
Source: StackOverflow


If I understand your requirement correctly, I think you can create a new helm chart, lets say custom-app. Add all the other helm charts as a dependency.

Essentially, create a directory called chart/ inside the helm directory of your new custom app and add the charts to it.

This is one way you could version a collection of charts.

-- debarshi
Source: StackOverflow