Jupyter Lab Dask Extension on AKS: Dask dashboard windows empty


I recently learned to deploy Dask on AKS using helm (for reference my notes are here).

I was able to run code in Jupyter Lab but I couldn't pin the scheduler next to the notebook to see the Dask Dashboard. I'm hoping to make it look cool as in here. Although, I was able to access the dashboard as a different IP address given by the EXTERNAL-IP of the scheduler.

Is there something I am missing for how to get the scheduler to show up in a notebook? I clicked on the dask extension tab and tried to copy in the URL with little success.

When testing locally I was able to get find the dashboard just by clicking the on the magnifying glass (Auto-detect dashboard URL) and it found

Do I need to get the scheduler on the same IP address as the jupyter notebook?

enter image description here

-- Ray Bell

1 Answer


If you are able to successfully navigate to the dashboard in a separate tab then copy that same address into the text field in the dask labextension and things should be ok.

-- MRocklin
Source: StackOverflow