Error response from daemon: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority


I am using docker toolbox (quick start terminal and also command prompt)for learning purposes and when I run this command I am getting the following error:

>> docker pull hello-world

Using default tag: latest Error response from daemon: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

getting the error also by logging in by "Docker login". I am pulling from docker-hub, not any private registry.

Here is what I have done to try to resolve it:

  1. I have reinstalled the docker toolbox completely. (uninstalled + deleted files from drives too)

  2. used the command. "docker-machine regenerate-certs".

  3. created my own self-signed certs (by openssl) and add it properly

  4. used the command >>docker pull hello-world --disable-content-trust.

  5. Disable the TLS image verify

  6. Added the trusted registry to the config file.

  7. Added the registry to deamon.json in C:/ProgramData/Docker/config/deamon.json.

But nothing works.

What do I do to get this running again?

Please clarify, if you need more info on something, please ask.

I have installed as instructed on docker docs.

My System Spec:

processor: i5 8th Gen;

Windows 10 Enterprise x64 bit.

-- Sanket Gupta

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