Kubernetes | AWS-EKS | could not resolve host name


I created four services, two ClusterIP and two NodePort services. Against each service I spin up two containers as shown below.

However, the problem is some services work fine and some while calling from inside the container not able to resolve the service hostname.

While narrowing down a problem, I created a below matrix:-

TYPES   NodePort    ClusterIp
NodePort    Pass    Fail
ClusterIp   Pass    Fail

which explains:-

  1. A request (curl –v http://order-service-ip/swagger/index.html) from inside the container of aggregator-service(nodePort) fails and throws could not resolve hostname error but vice-versa works. That is hitting a request (curl –v http://aggregator-service/swagger/index.html) from inside the container of order-service-ip works.
  2. In the same way, calling of nodeport service from another nodeport container works.
  3. But, calling of clusterIP service from a ClusterIp container fails and not able to resolve the hostname.

Surprisingly, a cluster IP container is able to resolve the hostname of Nodeport service and traversing back from the same nodePort container to the same ClusterIp service does not work.

Any suggestions are appreciated. I am stuck with this problem for more than four days now.

Here are the details of pods and services and end points are also working fine.

NAME                                           ........                     READY   STATUS    
nodeport-aggegator-deployment-64497699d-6jqz4       1/1     Running      
nodeport-aggegator-deployment-64497699d-jx8n6       1/1     Running   
clusterip-order-deployment-ip-594ff6b59b-pb4bp          1/1     Running   
clusterip-order-deployment-ip-594ff6b59b-rbhj4            1/1     Running  
nodeport-resources-deployment-6b98d47b5b-qvd59      1/1     Running  
nodeport-resources-deployment-6b98d47b5b-zjrh7        1/1     Running  
clusterip-product-deployment-ip-7589c74bfc-dx8l4         1/1     Running  
clusterip-product-deployment-ip-7589c74bfc-mbqs5       1/1     Running  

NAME                              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP         PORT(S)                        
aggregator-service           NodePort     <none>             8081:30392/TCP,443:30891/TCP   
order-service-ip               ClusterIP     <none>             8010/TCP,443/TCP               
resources-service             NodePort     <none>             8001:31076/TCP,443:30429/TCP   
product-service-ip            ClusterIP      <none>             8011/TCP,443/TCP               
kubernetes                      ClusterIP          <none>             443/TCP                        


-- Tarun Narang

1 Answer


The problem was with in a code which had a port conflict. The one being used to redirect from Nodeport to ClusterIp was not correct.

-- Tarun Narang
Source: StackOverflow