How to decrease the helm chart cert-manager log level?


I am using the It happens that I have a very frequent INFO logging. I was not yet able to find the source of that frequent logging. The problem is that the Google Cloud Platform Stackdriver feature is increasing in costs because of that high amount of logs.

Therefore I'd love to know how I can turn down INFO logging via the helm chart for the cert-manager.

-- xetra11

1 Answer


I noticed that the Helm chart for cert-manager from community charts has been deprecated. The suggested official alternative does support config option to specify loglevel since release v0.7.2. see this pull request jetstack/cert-manager/1527.

So please use the official chart like:

$ helm repo add jetstack
$ ## Install the cert-manager helm chart
$ helm install --name my-release --namespace cert-manager \
  jetstack/cert-manager --set global.logLevel=1
-- shawmzhu
Source: StackOverflow