How to access a container set up in a host with another machine?


I have deployed a mosquitto broker with kubernetes in my Linux machine. Now I want to connect this container with a MQTT client running on my smartphone. How could I do that? Which IP should I connect to?

I have connected to the mosquitto broker with a client inside my machine and it works perfectly.

EDIT: I'm using NodePort:

NAMESPACE            NAME                                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE
default              service/mosquitto-entrypoint        NodePort   <none>        8080:30001/TCP           24h
-- Manu Ruiz Ruiz

2 Answers


If the host where your service runs is accessible from your smartphone, you could port map the service to Nodeport.

For example , if your machine IP is 192.168.x.y and you map your service to Hosts port/Nodeport 5000

And machine allows incoming connections from your phone when you are connected to allowed network.

You could reach the service on 192.168.x.y:5000

-- Satish Kumar Nadarajan
Source: StackOverflow


If your mobile app is on the same network, ideally NodePort must do good. You must be able to reach your service with IP
But this might not be the scenario I believe

  • You must run your service with LoadBalancer type, that will generate an External Facing IP for your cluster. An example given below,

apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: example-service spec: selector: app: example ports: - port: 8765 targetPort: 9376 type: LoadBalancer

Define a yml for your service, and apply it via kubectl kubectl apply -f <yourfile>

If you have a DNS server of your own, then you can prefer using an Ingress Controller and expose your service to outside network.

-- Srini M
Source: StackOverflow