Bypass ssl through iis


good day. i'm continue experiments with k8s, i'm resetting it, again, and do all from white page: - install single node k8s, - install nginx ingress controller - install cert-manager - create issuer and make certificate, and viola - it's work. i can obtain certificate from let's encrypt

but now i have some trouble which come from network infrastructure. we have public IP and dns record for it, this is a gateway which forward request from 80 and 443 port to private server private server with win 2016 and iis with url_rewrite module

i have rule for rewrite incoming request to k8s machine and certificate request finish successful, i can access my service from WAN via http, but if i try to access via https i got 502 error and this is not surprised, because i need to setup https binding for site, but i need ssl certificate for it.. certificate that obtained by cert-manager and stored in k8s cluster...

so, my question - is is possible to implement such scheme: https -> gateway -> iis -> k8s with let's encrypt certificates and if it is possible how i should setup https binding?

-- anatoly.kryzhanosky

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