Pods are not getting created and not running after a long time also

kubectl get pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS                       RESTARTS   AGE
cassandra-0                   0/1     Pending                      0          9h
cd-jenkins-7fb5d96d69-v9svc   1/1     Running                      0          9h
hello-1571555340-872pt        0/1     Completed                    0          2m17s
hello-1571555400-5wzrk        0/1     Completed                    0          77s
hello-1571555460-spjm6        0/1     Completed                    0          16s
webpod                        0/2     ContainerCreating            0          10h
wordpress-557bfb4d8b-bcbs7    0/1     CreateContainerConfigError   0          9h

I want to know the exact reason ,why these pods are not running. Tried executing kubectl describe pods .But not finding the exact reason . I tried deleting other pods forcefully,but that's also not working. Please help me in running these pods.

-- Penguin Tech

1 Answer



Kubectl get pods -o wide

It will tell you the node where it is running, then check

Kubectl get nodes

to make sure that your VMs are ready, if any of them is not ready then turn it on

Pods takes up pending state when they don't get adequate resources (CPU/MEMORY) to get scheduled

And if you have only 1 VM then you need to resize it to high memory and CPU

-- Tushar Mahajan
Source: StackOverflow