Hosting a container hobby project


I' m developing a hobby project which has;

  • An Azure Microsoft SQL database
  • An update process that gets data and puts in the database (for now run locally once a week)
  • An API in Dotnet core 3.0 which reads from the database
  • A NGINX frontend which is in Vue and reads from the API

The last two applications are containerized and I can run the docker image locally. I want this hosted (in the cloud) so I can show off my work and get experience with something like Kubernetes or any other orchestration tool. What I'm looking for is a non-enterprise hosting platform which is free or a small monthly fee. I have an Azure developer budget but when I try the smallest Azure Kubernetes Service it still is going to cost me a lot.

Who has some advice on which hosting platform is working for their hobby projects?

-- Casper Broeren

2 Answers


GCP has a fairly generous free tier, you could launch a 1-node cluster for free. It only has about a half a gigabyte of RAM though, you may find running both your app and SQL Server challenging. Heroku does offer a free-tier for their SQL database but it's Postgres not SQL Server.

-- coderanger
Source: StackOverflow


What I ended up to do is just don't use K8s but stick to a container instance in Azure. I know it's a bit lame because I started out with K8s on my mind. Still, now I have got a relative cost-efficient solution with a private registry and two containers for under 10 euro.

-- Casper Broeren
Source: StackOverflow