How can A service of Google Cloud Run for Anthos on GKE connect to Firestore on different project of different organization?


I made a service of Cloud Run for Anthos on GKE. And Then, I want to make it connect to the Firestore on a Project of a diffrent Organization. How can it make connect to Firestore?

I created a service of Cloud Run for Anthos on GKE on ProjectA of OrganizationA. The programming language of the service of Cloud Run is Java, google-cloud-firestore library.

And, I created a Firestore DB on ProjectB of OrganizationB(No organization).

And then, tried to acces the Cloud Run Service to FirestoreDB, I got the error message like blow.

{"message":"Internal Server Error: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: PERMISSION_DENIED: Missing or insufficient permissions."}
-- SpaceNet

1 Answer


All depends your requirement. According with this page, grant the service account with roles/datastore.user or roles/datastore.viewer in the IAM section of the project B (click on Add and paste the email of the service account).

According with your GKE deployment, service account can be the default compute service account (<projectNumber> or something else if you have customized your cluster/workload Identity

-- guillaume blaquiere
Source: StackOverflow