Is `helm reset --force` meant to be executed once per physical host or once per cluster?


From this question How to uninstall / remove tiller from Kubernetes manually? I see I can use

helm reset --force

to quoting ...

uninstalls Tiller (the Helm server-side component) from your Kubernetes Cluster and optionally deletes local configuration in $HELM-HOME (default ~/.helm/)

My question is :

In a multi-node cluster should this be ran once per master or once per cluster ?

-- k1eran

1 Answer


Once per cluster should be enough, because tiller is a single cluster-wide component that is running completely on kubernetes, not tied to a specific node.

Additionally, you do not need to run this command on the nodes themselves - you can run it locally as well, as long as you can talk to the kube-apiserver. This is what is meant by the "local configuration files (~/.helm.)".

-- Utku Ă–zdemir
Source: StackOverflow