kubectl rollout status for ALL deployments in a namespace


I have a number of deployment objects in my namespace. I'd like to run kubectl rollout status for all of them at the same time. So, I'd like the command to exit, only when all rollouts are complete, or an error has occurred. How can I achieve that?

The only thing I got with so far is:

kubectl get deploy -o name | xargs -n1 -t kubectl rollout status

But I hope there's something smarter.

-- LIvanov

2 Answers


You can use this simple check:

deploy=$(kubectl get deploy -o name)
for i in $deploy; do kubectl rollout status $i -w --timeout=30s; done

You can also build more advanced script using clues in this post.

-- Hanx
Source: StackOverflow


So I guess what I came up is the best there is.

kubectl get deploy --output name | \
  timeout -t 300 \
    xargs -n1 -t \
      kubectl rollout status
-- LIvanov
Source: StackOverflow